Siluron® 5000

The proven standard silicone oil long-term tamponade

Siluron® 5000

Vial G-80810 Siluron® 5000, 10 ml, sterile
Syringe G-80820 Siluron® 5000 10 ml, sterile

  • For use as a prolonged retinal tamponade after successful retinal attachment
  • Ultrapure
  • Terminally sterilized
  • Available in vials or syringes


Siluron® 5000 is used with a long-term tamponade after operative treatment of severe retinal detachment, particularly for:

  • Retinal detachments with giant tears
  • Retinal detachments with proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR)
  • Retinal detachments in cases of proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR)
  • Traumatic retinal detachments

Physicochemical properties of Siluron® oils

Property Siluron® 1000 Siluron® 5000 Siluron® 2000 Siluron® XTRA
Density [g/cm³] 25 °C 0,97 0,97 0,97 0,97
Viscosity [mPas] 25 °C 900 – 1200 4800 – 5500 2000 – 2400 4100 – 4800
Solubility in water non miscible non miscible non miscible non miscible
Composition 100 % Poly-
100 % Poly-
95 % Siluron®
1000 + 5 % PDMS
(2,5 Mio. mPas)
90 % Siluron®
1000 + 10 % PDMS
(2,5 Mio. mPas)
Elasticity (Je0) [Pas] 2 x 10-5 1 x 10-5 6,5 x 10-5 1,4 x 10-3
Shear viscosity
(bei 8,37 s-1, 37 °C) [mPas]
931 4303 1800 4377
Volatile components
(200 °C, 24 h) [%]
≤ 0,2 % ≤ 0,2 % ≤ 0,2 % ≤ 0,2 %

Source: Caramoy A., Hagedorn N., Fauser S., Kugler W., Gross T., Kirchhof B.: Development of emulsification-resistant silicone oils:
can we go beyond 2000 mPas silicone oil? Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2011; 52: 5432-5436

Comparison of emulsification rate

Source: Caramoy A., Hagedorn N., Fauser S., Kugler W., Gross T., Kirchhof B.: Development of emulsification-resistant silicone oils: can we go beyond 2000 mPas silicone oil? Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2011; 52: 5432-5436

Comparison of emulsification resistance

Source: Wong et. al

Comparison of injection time

5.5 bar injection pressure, 20 gauge injection cannula

Source: Williams RL ., Day MJ ., Garvey MJ., Morphis G ., Irigoyen C ., Wong D., Stappler T.: Injectability of silicone oil-based tamponade agents. Br J Ophthalmol. 2011; 95: 273-276